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Interactive Training Planner and Diary

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Please choose the calendar entry below you want to edit or 

Please select a date from the Calendar.
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Please select a date from the calendar
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Distance or Time 
Completed ?

OPTIONAL (repeats planner entry for a maximum 31 days/weeks)
Repeat    until    Replace existing entries   
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Reschedule a calendar entry to another date Just drag the entry you want to change to the new date on the calendar (hold the left mouse button to drag, move the mouse and release it to drop). You can drag whenever the cursor changes to a a drag symbol like this Move Calendar Entry Icon
Copy a calendar entry to another date Hold down the Shift key while dragging the calendar entry to the new date.
Deleting individual calendar entries

There are two ways to do this:

  1. drag the calendar entry into the calendar title area, or;
  2. select the calendar entry you want to delete and then click on Delete Entry.
Adding more than one calendar entry on one day Enter the first calendar entry, click on it and select Add Another.
Repeating a existing calendar entry for a number of days/weeks

You can repeat an existing calendar entry on the same day each week for a number of weeks, or simply for a number of days. To do this:

  • select the calendar entry you want to repeat
  • select Edit Entry, choose Daily or Weekly repeats
  • select the date to repeat up to
  • click Save.

If you want to replace existing calendar entries with the ones being added tick the Replace box - this will replace all entries on these dates - otherwise it will add them as new entries alongside any existing ones.

Repeating a new calendar entry The process for this is the same as repeating an existing entry (above).
Deleting multiple calendar entries This can be done by using the Repeat facility - just repeat blank entries for the period you want to delete and tick the "Replace Existing Entries" box. This will delete all entries from the calendar for the selected date range.
Adding non-exercise events You can use the Training Planner to diarise events like birthdays. Simply enter the informaion in the Notes field when Editing or Adding a calendar entry.
Marking entries as Completed

When you Log a Run or other Activity you will have an option to "Update Planner" . This will automatically mark the corresponding entry in your Training Planner as Completed. If you have more than one entry of the same type of activity on the same day, the closest uncompleted one by distance to the one being logged will be marked as Completed.

If you want to manually set an entry as Completed, simply edit it on the Training Planner and tick the Completed box.

If you have enabled the "Tick completed entries" option, a tick will be shown when you have completed all calendar entries on a day.

Display Log Book distances as well as planned distances You can also use the Training Planner to compare distances you planned with those you actually logged in your Log Book. Tick the "Show logged distance (in blue)" box to do this. Weekly and monthly Log Book totals will be shown in blue underneath the planned totals in black. Logged distances will also be shown in short-hand on individual calendar days. The notation is:

[R = Running, C= Cycling, S = Swimming, W = Walking] : distance

e.g. R:5.2 = Running 5.2 miles


Jump several Months If you click on the name of the month at the top of the calendar you will be able to jump straight to another month up to a year ago or up to a year ahead. You can use the arrows to move one month at a time.
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