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Started by : john on 31/10/11

Viewed : 2788 times


Total Posts : 6  (Most Recent First)  Show Oldest First
Photo johnView Member Profile Member since May 2009 Posted 12 years ago

Hi Kate,

I'm not on Facebook and not really interested in going on there. I find this forum gives me the encouragement I need.

Just run a 5 miler and felt really good. A few more of them, then increase to 7 miles.

Photo johnView Member Profile Member since May 2009 Posted 12 years ago

Its been a while since my last post and now Xmas is out the way i'm back to hitting the roads and forest tracks. Still going well. Been doing shorter runs during the dark nights but hoping to start stretching the distances now. First 10k by end of Jan and onwards and upwards from there. Going to enter new forestr 10m and half marathon.

Photo View Member Profile Mike SheridanView Member Profile Member since August 2010 Posted 12 years ago

Great progress John. Well done...!

Photo johnView Member Profile Member since May 2009 Posted 12 years ago

Thanks Mike,

Been out 4 times now and each time i can feel myself becoming stronger and its taking me less time to find my pace. Managed a 4.2mile run last night and it felt great. Sure i could've gone on longer but dont want to risk over doing it. Im hoping to continue at this rate of improvement so that come another two weeks I will be upto 10k then hopefully just before xmas a 10 mile.


Photo View Member Profile Mike SheridanView Member Profile Member since August 2010 Posted 12 years ago

John - welcome back! The first thing is: stay healthy, so no matter how good you once were you're starting from almost scratch in November.

So take it easy, run every other day and run to time, not pace. Pace will come later when your muscles and ligaments have adjusted. In the first couple of weeks I would suggest 3 days on and 4 off and then later you can reverse that.

Set a slightly challenging goal each week or month and that will give you a reason to get out each time. This might be an extra five minutes after each pair of runs or another half mile - whatever, but if you log whatever you are doing on here you can see your stats (and improvement) grow before your eyes.

Finally, tell us your story and we'll support you as you go along.

Good luck

Photo johnView Member Profile Member since May 2009 Posted 12 years ago

Hi All,

Ive been away from regular running for to many months and after getting back from my hols and seeing the weight gain, I have decided its time to put it right. So went out for a run this afternoon and whilst the first 10 mins were pretty hard I soon found myself relaxing and starting to enjoy it again. Finished up doing 2.5miles, which i know isnt exactly distance running but it felt good again to be out there.

My question is, How do i keep myself movitated? or What do you do to keep yourself going.

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