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We regularly change our selection of featured articles. These are the ones that we currently have published.
Make the most of all your stats! - a guide to reviewing your running year
Good Run Guide Features
It's time to get out and Explore!
Why not run somewhere new and spectacular!
10 reasons for joining your local running club
Mental strategies for an enjoyable and successful marathon.
Abbreviated article on Age-Grading.
Understanding how many calories our bodies burn and how running helps.
Tapering your training on the run up to the big race day.
How is your route measured?
An explanation of age-grading, how it works and why it is useful for runners.
General advice for anyone new to running.
Advice on how fast to run when training.
Looks at common methods for measuring running distance and their accuracy.
Advice on how running can help with weight control and weight loss.
Advice on choosing good footwear for running.
How your heart rate affects your training and general fitness.
Things to consider to stay safe when running.